
Game Changers seminar: Interviews with keynote speakers

Published on Thursday, 14th of April 2016

CMI’s Game Changers seminar tackled the new challenges of peace mediation and conflict resolution last week. The keynote speakers were Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary of State under President Clinton, philanthropist and filmmaker Abigail Disney, conflict resolution expert Alex de Waal, and Abdullahi An-Na´im,expert in Sharia law.

What does Strobe Talbott think about the challenges of the new President of the United States? Why is Abigail Disney worried about the appealing narratives of war in the entertainment industry? What are the major challenges in conflict resolution in Africa according to Alex de Waal? What is the relationship between sharia and the state?

Find out in these short interview video clips.


Game Changers seminar: Strobe Talbott interview from CMI on Vimeo.


Game Changers seminar: Abigail Disney interview from CMI on Vimeo.


Game Changers seminar: Abdullahi An-Na’im interview from CMI on Vimeo.


Game Changers seminar: Alex de Waal interview from CMI on Vimeo.